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Nationwide Plus Criminal Background Check

This criminal background check is one of the most comprehensive online searches available. It includes our national background check database, a federal background check and a Social Security verification.

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  • National Database
  • National Sex Offender Registry
  • Federal Database
  • Social Security Verification

The National background check portion checks your subject's name with every state that we offer a statewide criminal background check search. Also included, a search through sex offender registries. The nationwide background check for most states will include name, alias, sex, race, DOB, case #, offense and date, offense location, sentence, sentence dates, parole information, and status. Each state has a particular coverage or scope for a criminal background check. Click here for more details.

The Federal background check search includes a nationwide background check of Federal criminal records that fall under Federal Law. These records originate from the Federal District Courts within most states.

Note: Due to processing of Social Security data, this background check is not instant, but will be processed within one business day.